emunah, tefillah, a little mussar, and a shmeck of geula

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Doing Our Part For An Aliyas Neshama

You should be a Meilitz Yoshor is usually the parting request made by each speaker to the recently deceased at his funeral.

He’s gone only a few hours and we asking him for favors already.

And what are we asking for exactly?

Reduced to its lowest common denominator, we are essentially putting in a bid for proteksia.

The niftar (recently deceased) will soon be going to a better place and we are asking him to put in a (good) word for us by way of his tefillos when he gets there.  The higher one’s place in Olam Haba the more influence one is presumed to have.  And the more (presumed) influence the better placed one is to shake things up.

So what are we doing on our end for an aliyas neshama that will move our loved ones out of their Heavenly cubicle, so to speak, to a corner office with a view from where they might be able to exert a little more influence?

Sad to say, not all that much.

The few dollars that we give or the learning that we do in the name of the niftar is to be sure, a little something in the right direction.  A nice touch this, but nice touches are not the stuff of serious elevation.

As with almost everything else, here too Hashem operates in midda keneged midda mode (measure for measure). 

Want to expand someone’s horizons in Gan Eden?  Then you have to expand yours in this world in inyanai ruchniyes.  Simply put, when you seriously grow you’re a different you, and you therefore now occupy a different place in this world.

And if you are a different you who is occupying a different place in this world then you have made the most compelling argument possible to have the one you are asking to act as a Meilitz Yosher be put in a position in which he is better situated to make it happen.