emunah, tefillah, a little mussar, and a shmeck of geula

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Beyond the Horizon

This world is the ultimate box, and it is impossible to think out of it because we have no frame of reference on the far side of the universal town limits.

What you see may or may not be what you get, but it nonetheless circumscribes the limits of one’s horizons.

What you can see is all about you.

It’s all about your eyes, which means it’s about your understanding and comprehension.  It’s the database which encompasses the sum total of your perceptions, and as such it’s perpetually in the face of our emunah and bitochon which do not march to the tune of the eye’s inherent limitations.

You have a problem and you don’t see a solution, so that’s it as far as you’re concerned.  It’s time to turn out the lights and call it a day because your whole world is subsumed within the parameters of your imagination, and what you can’t see simply doesn’t exist for you.

But what about what’s beyond your eyes?  That’s all about Who created them.

It’s solely about Hashem without any tevedik pushback to induce us to consider any other scenario.  It’s about the non-existence of limitations of any kind, be it time, space or anything else that reduces our view of the world to the panorama afforded by a keyhole.

When anchored in hashkafic bedrock, our emunah and bitochon pokes a hole through our personal horizon, and beckons our imagination to walk through to the other side to a world in which everything is possible.

As we said in EmunahSpeak: Living With Hashem, It comes out that a ba’al Emunah is a person that knows with a certainty that Hashem is here, which culminates in a palpable feeling of living with Hashem.  Given Emunah’s spiritual essence, he eschews the use of physical eyes and material yardsticks because a person can’t achieve Emunah in this world if he is holding up Hashem to material tests, nor should we measure our success in life by our physical experiences which tend to collide with Emunah.

While it’s true that what you can see is all about you, it’s no less true that what you don’t see is all about the bottom line reality of your existence.  It’s in that great unseen realm beyond the horizon of your comprehension that emunah/bitochon intersects with what will eventually morph into the answer to every question and the solution to every problem.