emunah, tefillah, a little mussar, and a shmeck of geula

Monday, December 22, 2014

It’s a Process

In EmunahSpeak: Ripping Open the Heavens we spoke of effective tefillah, as in getting the biggest bang out of one’s tefillah effort.   And as we pointed out there, the road to such a goal is paved with the recognition that Hashem is the only address coupled with the sensitivity to express pain over another Jew’s suffering.

But as Rabbi Tuvia Lieff reminds us, tefillah is not just an end game.

It’s also a process.

And in the process of asking you become connected to Hashem because everything that is davened for has more of a tachliss.

Rabbi Lieff tells us that every time someone davens, he is transferring that object of his desire or his particular need into something ruchniyas.  And the only reason that one is able to morph gashmiyus into ruchniyas is because of that tefillah.

We are further told that anything you daven for takes on the greatest value in life, simply by the very fact that you davened for it.   And you have to daven for everything because everything is a nes.

Be it shidduchim, parnosa, children etc., none of it is any less than Techiyas HaMeisim.  For as we said in EmunahSpeak: Kol Isha, it’s no less a nes for a top Brisker bochur, whose father happens to have more money than Bill Gates, to marry a Bais Yaakov princess charming than for a thirty-five year old dirt poor adopted girl in a wheel chair from twice divorced parents to marry a thirty-six year old Talmud Chochim who amazingly seemed to appear out of nowhere.  It’s all one and the same.  

Nissim only come in one size.  They're not easier nor are they harder.  They just are.  

And for a nes one has to daven.

It’s a whole different understanding of life.