emunah, tefillah, a little mussar, and a shmeck of geula

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Middah Keneged Middah

On Sunday last, at 4:50 A.M., I woke up with excruciating stomach pains.  This turned out to be fortuitous in the sense that had I risen at my usual time I would have been in shul putting on my tefillin, with the problem then being that their removal would have been necessitated a nano second after completion of the mitzvah.  And more likely than not, I would have been in on again off again mode for the duration of the davening.

But as we all know, Hashem sends the refuah before the makkah, so because I had gone to bed very late on Motzoi Shabbos He put it in my head to daven at a later minyan Sunday morning.

That piece of good fortune aside, from a pain perspective, the rest of the day was down hill.

But it wasn’t a total loss because before it occurred to me that I might have a stomach virus, I had spent and hour and a half agonizing over the prospects of having to deal with a serious condition of some sort because the pain was bad enough for me to actually have a passing thought of calling Hatzalah, my irrational fear of doctors and hospitals notwithstanding.

But given the aforementioned fears, that thought passed by in warp speed, and in any case I had already decided to take the very good advice that I had dished out to ya’ll in EmunahSpeak: Talk To Hashem First, and go into conference with Hashem before making my next move.

You can well imagine the first part of the conversation, but then I remembered that we said in EmunahSpeak: If You Feel Blessed …if you feel that Hashem has bestowed you with extra tov you should feel obligated to pay back a little more by adding something to your avoda, be it an extra twenty minutes of learning, a little more kavana in davening, or perhaps resolving to put more effort into doing chesed.

If that’s the way to go when one is feeling blessed then it has to be that AND THEN SOME when one perceives his circumstances moving decidedly south on an express track.

And so I made up to significantly increase my Sefer Chofetz Chaim seder every day plus an extra session Erev Shabbos and Motzoi Shabbos.  And then it finally dawned on me that I only had a stomach virus.

My next thought was that I got caught in a Heavenly sting operation, but that one passed quicker than my fleeting mental dalliance with calling Hatzalah.

The truth is that while I did not figure out from the get-go what was wrong with me, I realized immediately from whence this makkah came.

As is well known, Hashem rewards and punishes midda keneged midda (measure for measure), and it seems that sometime before lights out I had become somewhat irritable for no good reason concerning something that my wife had said to me.  It was nothing from nothing, with the only thing big about it being the size of the mouth that I ever so briefly opened.

Whatever was said must have been hurtful because the next morning at 4:50 A.M……